Holidays How To

Holiday Bonus: Pumpkin Preservation

Hello, there, and Happy Columbus Day! As much as I understand that Columbus did not really discover America and enjoy reading about opinion pieces about retracting the holiday, I confess to wanting it to continue, if only for the much-needed day off.

Last week was pretty rough. Like “crying at the car repair shop” and “questioning my life choices” rough. Nothing terrible happened, just a long string of deadlines and miscommunications and restless nights and broken keys. When things get rough, I tend to retract a bit; I stay in and try to live vicariously through The Barefoot Contessa on Netflix. And then I organize my house while trying to think of a Halloween costume and then I admire my PUMPKINS!

My beautiful, bright orange pumpkins that Husband and I picked all by ourselves have far outlasted all of our neighbors’ distraught, half-eaten remnants of vegetation. Want to know the secret? Bleach! Just spray it over the whole or carved pumpkin and you have a deterrent much stronger than black pepper or bug spray. It protects from small animals and early decay–here’s hoping it will also protect from obnoxious teenagers trying to take “Smashing Pumpkins” music a bit too literally.

So, there you go: the New World has been found and the pumpkins have been saved. Sounds like a reason to celebrate to me.

Lindsay Sig

19 comments on “Holiday Bonus: Pumpkin Preservation

  1. I am so jealous of your pumpkins! I tried to grow my own for the first time this year and they produced lovely orangey/yellow bulbs that I was sure were going to grow into healthy pumpkins, but they didn’t grow at all 😦 Any ideas why not?! 🙂


  2. Hey this is amazing blog and I really liked this.
    One of the best lifestyle blogs I know!
    Glad to connect with you.. 🙂
    Sending you lots of love,


  3. That pumpkin is HUGE! Love it! Also, sorry about your week!! 😦

    Wait…The Barefoot Contessa is on Netflix?!?!


  4. Wow amazing pumpkin! Hope this week is better dear!


  5. What a good tip!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love the huge pumpkin. How do I follow your blog? Thanks


    • Thanks for stopping by! There is a box on the side for you to enter your email to follow or you should be able to click “follow” on a link on top or bottom of the page, if you are using WordPress. Enjoy!


  7. Pumpkins are fun to grow! Yours look great. Enjoying your blog.


  8. Beautiful pumpkin! Bleach….great tip!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. The shops over here are full of plastic pumpkins … something wrong there!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Great tip! This pumpkin is HUGE!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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